Eyes Wide Open

Have you ever felt something deep down in yourself asking for more ? The feeling that there is much more to reach in life.
It has a been a while since I last fooled around with my consciousness. Keeping my eyes wide open. Trying to capture everybody's needs. Every sound. Listening carefully to every word they pronouced. With a compassionated heart, you already feel more at ease with yourself and the others.
This exercise made me smile for a while but it eventually faded. One question was left: If I can care so well about the others, what about me ? This introspection is way harder because there is no lack of information. 
Basically we're all sitting around, most of us complaining something is going wrong but we all do have the choice to give a direction to our life. In my opinion this needs to be a conscient decision, a result of long years of studying yourself. But please I really please everyone of us to take so time and reflect on this. Be ambitious. Do something you think it is really worth doing. That is the only source of satisfaction lasting in the long run. Happiness is not the goal. It's the constant reward to get from trying it.
Everyone of us has to have his own project of life and go for it ! I don't care if yours is about faith, career, sport, music or whatever but please do invest your time as you want it to be.
That's it for now. So if you haven't yourself yet, keep your Eyes Wide Open full of empathy and you will see everyone's struggle to find his own way and by trying to help them, it might help you.
But for me now I guess I'm starting to find one...

Keep smiling. =)



  1. Salut,

    This is really great and interesting, but way to complicated and dense for me to make a comment on! The statable thing I can think of is asking: why do you think that everyone has a choice in how to direct their lives? Oh and please change your settings off german. I have no idea which button to click to post this.

    1. I don't think we have a direct influence on your life but I do think we need to act in the direction that we want, correcting at every second the target in order to achieve what we want. And yeah we don't all have to opportunity to choose who to become but in my opinion in Western countries you have pretty much the equality of chance/opportunity, the rest depends on your willpower.


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