About disclosure: the need of confidant

I need a confidant.
When we disclose ourselves, we need another very receptive person at the end of the thread who can truly listen to us. Such person is hard to find.
It is harder when you are at a stage in your life where friendships get loose and people who mattered now seem to have faded away from your daily life.
It is in those moments that you want to say to them how much they did matter to you, that somehow they still matter even with the distance and that you need their help not to feel so lost anymore.
It's not only about people. It's also about the activities you used to do and now seem just useless to start again. Every project you ever had has terminated (or is being ended) and leaves place to new ones. But it is hard not to get stuck in the past scented with all those good and maybe fake memories.
Furthermore it is hard to conceive that you still matter to your old friends even with the non-responsiveness and silence between us.
So how to let go all this, accept this change and find the right way to acknowledge the joy you had in the past and move on, go further with your life, hoping to find a new beginning (if such word exists) ?
I guess it is part of growing up to realize that friendships are not meant to last forever and accept the process of aging is accompanied by a process of solitude (many would argue about this). We used to interact with numerous kinds of persons during a single day. But still nothing seem to have moved them since you lost contact (at least not you).
I guess I can see two extreme ways to deal with loss of friendships. Either as soon as the circumstances are not in favor anymore of maintaining the relationship (e.g. physical, divergence of interest, etc), do not try to artificially keep contact and feel fine about it without remorse or blame. I'd call this the "fuck it" way as a reference to Parker's book "Fuck it: the ultimate way of life". Another possibility to follow is the hardcore BFF way. That is, try to do everything in order to maintain contact whatever it takes, even without the prospect of seeing them ever again. This way might be very time-consuming, painful and non-rewarding when the other person does not show as much eagerness as we do in maintaining that relationship.
A last feasible "in-between" option is the spontaneous way. Talk when needed and when you feel like without apprehension nor fear of resentment.
But still there is still a long way to go to find balance and peace in our projects, friendships, well our lives. (I'm not in a mood to talk anymore).

Take care.


Let go of all this


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