Let go of your past identities

Once we were. Now we are. Soon we might never be. I used to define myself a good kid then as a rebel. Then I changed to see myself as a lover. Then as a musician. Then as a triathlete. Then as a student. Then as a bank employee. Now as a civil servant. Then what ?
I find it so hard to move on and let go of the roles we used to play in the past. I was appreciated for me being that person. I was recognized for the qualities, achievements, good grades, good running time, musical skills I used to demonstrate but now stopped. If you let go of all that, what remains ? Would you still love yourself even when you do not earn the recognition from others you think you deserve ?
I don't think I can. I find it difficult to acknowledge my worth when others do not value what I have to offer. However this is the only way forward (for me at least). School and university were the easy parts. The criteria for success and appraisal were clear and measurable. But now where is the line ? I have to redefine my priorities choosing my own standards of satisfactions and no one else's. I want to present myself as a curious lifelong learner and share what I have learned with everyone (although it has lead so far to more questions than answers). Even when I don't get the attention my ego thinks it deserves I have to keep going.
There are so many ways we can change the world and learning is the one I have chosen for now. I want to help myself and others change how we perceive the world. Through knowledge we can acquire different lens. As Matthieu Ricard wrote in one of his books, when you change your perception of the world, you are already changing the world, your world.


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