About disclosure

If there is one thing on Earth which intrigues me most, it is for sure everyone's inner life. What is bothering right now ? What are your hopes in life ? And all those similar questions...
However I cannot understand why so few people are willing to speak about their issues, motivations, ambitions and other personal-related topics. We are having so much fun dancing, partying, drinking in order to create a fake feeling of community/belonging but what stays in the end ? 
To my eyes life is there to share those moments of joy but also the downsides of them (not only the hangovers :P). Wearing masks is the best way to avoid being hurt but also the best way to avoid being understood. Therefore I am willing to disclose myself as much as it gets because I wish I could the world through your eyes and you to see it through mine.
That is why I created a forum to share anonymously what is on your mind and thus feel free to contribute to the threads and help us discover one another and also oneselves.

=> http://one-project-of-life.boards.net/


PS: You need to register first to be able to see the posts. ^^


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